[Geysers] Bulger's Hole

Eric Hatfield conanvandt at yahoo.com
Sun Jul 31 19:32:20 PDT 2011

Dan Hatfield saw the first ever visualized eruption from Grand in the first days of July.  I'd have to go back and look up the date.  I'm sure it was reported on this server.  Dan Miller also saw it, and may have that recorded.
However, I have no doubt it had been erupting for some time before that.  I know people had been watching it trying to catch it.  While it had filled and drained, as I understand it had never cooperated until then.  Nevertheless, the hole it eroded in the roof was already clearly present (and has now gotten bigger, as I see in the video.)  I don't remember that roof hole last year for sure, and the overall crater I remember as much smaller.  We should dig out pictures of Bulger from years past.

From: "TSBryan at aol.com" <TSBryan at aol.com>
To: geysers at lists.wallawalla.edu
Sent: Sunday, July 31, 2011 11:28 AM
Subject: Re: [Geysers] Bulger's Hole

Greatest of thanks to Ben Hoppe for posting the video and photo of "Bulger's Hole." Now, one comment and one question:

Comment: Gotta be correct here so, no matter how any signs might read, the official name is Bulger Spring (not Geyser).

Question: Do "we" know when "Bulger's Hole" made its initial appearance?


Scott Bryan
Geysers mailing list
Geysers at lists.wallawalla.edu

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