[Geysers] Webcam and other times 7/15/2011

Graham Meech meechg at verizon.net
Fri Jul 15 19:19:47 PDT 2011

Here are some times from the webcams for Friday 7/15/11 taken from the chat
log (<http://yellowstone.paulthompson.net/camchat/#StreamOnly>) and from the
online geyser logs (www.geysertimes.org and www.geysers.net/mobile).

I didn't post any times yesterday since the camera was down and Mary Beth's
report covered everything in the databases.  Here are the updates since Mary
Beth's report for today.

Artemisia 1543 

Aurum 0900, 1319 

Castle 1654 maj 

Fountain 0959 ns, 1547 

Grand 0548, 1640 

Great Fountain 1317 

Grotto 1414 

Grotto Fountain 1412 

Lion 1605 ie wc, 1716 

Little Cub 0730 ie, 1037 

Oblong 0651, 1833 ie 

Old Faithful 0558 long, 0741 long, 0915 long, 1059 wc long, 1222 wc long,
1354 ie wc, 1827 wc, 2009 ie wc 

Plume 0559, 0659 wc, 0754, 0856, 0956 wc, 1050, 1145 ie wc, 1240 ie wc, 1334
ie wc, 1756 wc, 1852 ie wc 

Riverside 0753 ns, 1915 

Sawmill 0520 ie, 0705 ie, 0836 ie, 1311 ie wc 

South Grotto Fountain 1415 

Till 1207 ie 

Turban 1415, 1526, 1545, 1602, 1618 

West Triplet 0523, 1654 

Graham Meech

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