[Geysers] 9 and 10 July 2011

Mary Beth Schwarz schwarzmb at gmail.com
Sun Jul 10 16:58:27 PDT 2011

9  July  2011:

     Artemisia  1054

     Depression 1548

     Fountain 1419 (d=29m),  2003  (d=30m)

     Grand 1555 (T2C)  d=10m 2s

     Oblong 1304

     Penta 2321ie

     Rift  2335ie  (end on 10 July at 0126)

     Tilt's Baby empty at 1625

     West Triplet 1508 (d=30m),  2310ie

10  July  2011:

     Aurum 0721,  1115

     Beehive  0100 (Beehive's Indicator 0040),  1402 (Beehive's Indicator

     Castle  0040ie  MAJOR

     Daisy  0602,  0842,  1115

     Depression  1012,  1304

     Fountain  0743

     Grand  0204 (T3Q)  d=12m,    0950 (G1Q)

     Grotto 0950ie

     Lion  1037,  1203,  1258 minor,  1317

     Little Cub  0717ie,  0908ie,  0944ie,  1236ie,  1312ie,  1347ie,

     Oblong  0120,  0518ie,  1209

     Plume  0647,  0838,  0935,  1221,  1316,  1411

     Riverside 0632,  1220

     Rocket 1015ie

     Sawmill  0559,  0948ie,  1116

     Sputnik series 0521,  0520,  0542 (last);    1000 to at least 1054

     West Triplet  0956 (d=33m)

     Dean Lohrentz called a Fan & Mortar event cycle at 1235,  But F&M did
not erupt.

     Bulger had majors at  1007ie and 1148,  but Bulger's Hole did not

     Mary Beth Schwarz
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