[Geysers] Webcam times 1/1/2011

Graham Meech meechg at verizon.net
Sat Jan 1 16:40:12 PST 2011

Here are some times from the webcams for Saturday 1/1/11 taken from the
chat log (<http://yellowstone.paulthompson.net/camchat/#StreamOnly>), thanks
for the reports.

First day of the new year brings excitement at Beehive with reports of false
indicators and then a Beehive eruption after the indicator had been going
for 35 minutes.  Happy New Year to all you lovers of excitement at Beehive!
After one 67m interval, Plume had 3 consecutive intervals of 61m.  Also of
interest is that the Echinus data logger
(http://volcanoes.usgs.gov/yvo/activity/monitoring/norris/index.php) shows 4
eruptions on the 29th and one on the 30th but no others in the last week -
see the attached picture.

Beehive 1109ie, 
Beehive Indicator 0919ie (?),  0935ie (?), 1004ie (?), 1035ie, 
Depression 1536ie, 
Grand 0916ie (?), 
Oblong 1341ie (?), 1726ie (?), 
Old Faithful 0816ie, 0956ie, 1133ie, 1301ie, 1442ie, 1609ie, 
Plume 1233ie, 1340ie, 1441ie, 1542ie, 1643ie, 
Riverside 1520ie, 

Graham Meech
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