[Geysers] Geyser Carol 2011

Lucille Reilly thedulcimerlady at juno.com
Mon Dec 19 17:57:37 PST 2011

Oh, it touches my heart!


Btw, Steve, when we were at YNP in Sept., we saw the film at the OFVC.  Your
name is misspelled in the credits (Gyrc).  The film has been around for a
while, but maybe someone can fix that, anyway?



My new CD is now available: fiddle tunes for hammered dulcimer and piano.
For info, go to www.thedulcimerlady.com/marketplace.htm#CI. 


Have yourself a merry little Grand sit,


Lucille Reilly 



From: geysers-bounces at lists.wallawalla.edu
[mailto:geysers-bounces at lists.wallawalla.edu] On Behalf Of Karen Webb
Sent: Monday, December 19, 2011 5:22 PM
To: Geyser Observation Reports
Subject: Re: [Geysers] Geyser Carol 2011


Have Yourself A Merry Little Grand Sit

(to the tune of "Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas")


Have yourself a merry little Grand sit, just stay put and pray

That there won't be any Rift or Vent delay.

Have yourself a merry little Grand sit, keep Grand's pool in sight,

Stare for hours at tiny bits of geyserite.


Here we sit on a foggy day, rainy soggy day till late,

Faithful friends who are near to us share their beer with us and wait.


Through the gloom we all sit here together if the storms allow,

We'll wait here until we all see Grand go POW,

So have yourself a merry little Grand sit now.


Best wishes from

Steve Gryc

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