[Geysers] Bulger's Hole

Genean Dunn tddandngd at gmail.com
Sat Aug 6 13:33:41 PDT 2011

Hi Chris,

We am pulling together a brief history of Bulger's Hole for the August Sput
and would like to include your photos, but we need higher resolution -- jpgs
at least 300 dpi (usually 1+MB). Can you send them soon? We will include the
links to the videos also.


Tom and Genean Dunn
Editors, The Geyser Gazer Sput

On Thu, Aug 4, 2011 at 5:36 PM, Chris Daubert <cjdaubert at hotmail.com> wrote:

>   I saw Bulger's Hole four times during my visit in Yellowstone.  I believe
> that the water rises in the hole clear and then turns milky during the
> eruption.  Here is a brief description of each eruption and links to video
> of some of the eruptions.  I will also try to attach pictures that show some
> changes in the hole over several days (7/10, 7/13 right after the 1530
> eruption, and 7/13 about 4 hours later when it looked obvious there had been
> another eruption).
> 7/8/11 - 0538 - During a Grand eruption Jim suddenly said "Bulger's Hole"
> and I ran to see it.  After watching for only seconds, I thought to get my
> camera, but the eruption was over before I even got my camera out.
> 7/13/11 - 1532ie - Really started 1530 but we (Matt and I) didn't call it
> right away due to our excitement I think.  At 1532 I just said "Bulger's
> Hole is erupting" into the radio and Dean came back to see it.  It was a
> good strong eruption but I didn't have a video camera ready, so I took a lot
> of still shots.  Bulger was erupting at the same time, the bridge was still
> there, and the water was cloudy in the hole, all of which I think can be
> seen in my pictures.  I put the pictures together to make a kind of video
> you can watch here: http://youtu.be/9IUuRkmRduI
> 7/26/11 - 1758/1803 - This is the same eruption that Ben reported and
> shared video.  The bridge was gone by this eruption and Bulger and Bulger's
> Hole took turns erupting.  Our videos: http://youtu.be/dXtrdp-bhWg  and
> http://youtu.be/QPKpMr-iXC8
> 7/30/11 - 1339 - I hadn't seen Bulger erupting for the 15-20 minutes prior
> to this eruption.  I THINK Bulger's Hole started erupting without Bulger
> going first.  During the eruption Bulger did start erupting and then stopped
> and Bulger's Hole continued during and after Bulger.  This eruption had the
> highest water level of all the eruptions I think.   I cut 4 minutes of the
> drain in order to be able to post it on youtube. The original was 11 minutes
> long and I cut from the 5 minute mark to the 9 minute mark. Video:
> http://youtu.be/ue0E6xg1pf4
> Chris Daubert
> <http://skydrive.live.com/redir.aspx?cid=c07fb50c0ca4e2ea&page=play&resid=C07FB50C0CA4E2EA%211474&type=1&Bpub=SDX.Photos&Bsrc=Photomail&parid=C07FB50C0CA4E2EA%211471&authkey=FzNabH8EaIs%24>
>  Bulger's Hole
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> This online album has 3 photos and will be available on SkyDrive until
> 11/03/2011.
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