[Geysers] Fw: radioactive rodents related to YNP geology

Tom Dunn tddatlasvegas at gmail.com
Wed Apr 6 18:54:37 PDT 2011

Lee radium uptake in plants is not that unusual. Radium is pretty
common in soils. In fact in parts off Illinois basements must be check
for radiation due to radium in the ground around the basement. This
must be done before a house is sold. If the radiation levels are above
some very low level the seller must put it a ventilation system. I
have had to do this.

Here is an article about where radium comes from

Here is one of the laws controlling radium cleanup in soils ....Soil
Cleanup Criteria in 40 CFR Part 192



On Tue, Apr 5, 2011 at 8:19 AM,  <Lee_Whittlesey at nps.gov> wrote:
> Considering that you geyser guys are usually interested in the subsurface
> geology that is so responsible for our thermal features, I'd be interested
> in seeing your comments about the link below, which has to do with alleged
> radiation and radioactive rodents on Crawfish Creek, Polecat Creek, and
> Pitchstone Plateau. The link is below.
> Lee Whittlesey
> Park Historian, NPS
> http://soundpolitics.com/archives/014699.html
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