[Geysers] 14 September 2010 Geyser Report

Mary Beth Schwarz schwarzmb at gmail.com
Tue Sep 14 17:22:46 PDT 2010

     There were bison across the road from the store and going back and
forth from the meadow to the area between the Lower Store and the Inn and
parking lot in the morning.  Then they moved toward Old Faithful and hung
around near the bike path for awhile.  By 1530 they were wandering in the
road and across from the store.  People were trying to get too close so the
Rangers were busy and it was time to leave.

     Ralph Taylor downloaded the monitor at Fan and Mortar and found
eruptions on 9 Sept at 2256 Elec and also today 14 Sept at 0325 Elec (so it
appears that it did not erupt overnight 12-13 Sept)

     Thanks to all who contributed eruption times.

     Artemisia 0910

     Aurum 1426ie

     Beehive's Indicator  0636 (end 0643), 0919ie, 1250

     Castle  (minor on 13 Sept at 2255), 1204 major

     Daisy 0809ns, 1035VR, 1302,  1522

     Depression  0810,  1427ie

     Fan and Mortar  0325 Elec  (and on 9 Sept at 2256 Elec)

     Great Fountain 0856 (P=1)

     Grand 0349 Elec,  1330(T2Q) d=11m1s  (logbook for 13 Sept had 1750)

     Grotto  1010

     Grotto Fountain 1008

     Lion 0826

     Little Cub  1440ie,  1523ie

     Oblong 1254ns

     Plume 0658, 0800, 0900, 0954, 1146ie, 1239, 1334, 1436ns

     Rift 0953ie

     Riverside  0811,  1439ie

     Sawmill  0953ie, 1151ns,  1440ns

     Tilt's Baby  1224

     West Triplet  ended ~0953VR

     Mary Beth Schwarz
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