[Geysers] Webcam times 10/11/2010

Graham Meech meechg at verizon.net
Mon Oct 11 18:32:53 PDT 2010

Here are some times from the webcams on Monday 10/11/10  taken from the
chat log ( < <http://yellowstone.paulthompson.net/camchat/#StreamOnly>
http://yellowstone.paulthompson.net/camchat/#StreamOnly>) , thanks for all
the reports.

Beehive in daylight four days running - what's up with that?  Big stretch
here......must not yawn....  Interval was ~29h52m assuming it was a single
interval.  It was at least 22m after the indicator started.  There had been
no reports of the indicator during the day in the log, so maybe the
Indicator is becoming less frequent and maybe acting as an indicator again?
How dull would that be if the indicator erupts and we just expect Beehive to
go too?


There was also a report of a possible F&M at 1040ie based on the steam cloud
down basin so it will be interesting to hear if the marker has been washed.
Also, per  the log, there was one ~3h20m interval for Daisy early morning
too which is a lot longer than usual.  Depression's all ran long today,


Beehive 1704, 

Beehive Indicator 1642ie, 

Castle 0845ie Steam phase, 

Daisy 0755ie, 1115ie, 1353, 1621, 1851, 

Depression 0709ie (?), 1035ie, 1354ie (?), 1730ie (weak), 

Fan and Mortar 1040ie (?), 

Grand  0928ie, 

Grotto 1049ie (?), 

Lion 1814 Initial, 

Oblong 1854ie, 

Old Faithful 0843ie, 1147ie, 1456, 1804 short, 1908ie, 

Plume 1254, 1351, 1558, 1928, 

Riverside 0743ie, 1411ie, 

Graham Meech


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