[Geysers] Fountain and Biscuit Basin 10/10/10

Karen Low yellowstonekaren at yahoo.com
Sun Oct 10 18:14:06 PDT 2010

According to information from a fellow tour guide, Fountain Geyser had a very short interval this afternoon.  Craig Thompson (who has been in the park since at least 1998, and a tour guide for most of his years here) said that Fountain Geyser started a little before 12 (noon) today, and then later in the afternoon, he saw it in eruption at 4:35pm.
I spent most of the day at Biscuit Geyser Basin.  This was Yellowstone Park Foundation weekend, so the Inn was closed to the public (not a good day to be a bell hop or front desk manager, having to apologize to hundreds of people who wanted to peek in at the lobby, who weren't allowed in the door).  So I drove YPF people and interp Barbara Hoppe to Biscuit, and she walked groups back to Mystic Falls, as I waited (she said she'd rather I didn't walk with them.)  So Jewel Geyser is doing intervals between 6 and a half and 7 and a half minutes.  Avoca did some higher splashes, but the intervals were not regular (times for the ones I considered bigger: 1018, 1030, 1038, 1049, 1057.)  Oh, and I also cleaned up a bunch of trash from the Biscuit Basin parking lot.  The bear proof can really needs to be put back there!
Ok, done rambling for now.
Karen Low

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