[Geysers] Webcam times 10/8/2010

Graham Meech meechg at verizon.net
Fri Oct 8 18:24:23 PDT 2010

Here are some times from the webcams on Friday 10/8/10  taken from the
chat log ( < <http://yellowstone.paulthompson.net/camchat/#StreamOnly>
http://yellowstone.paulthompson.net/camchat/#StreamOnly>) , thanks for all
the reports.

Beehive during daylight, how exciting!  It was at least 30 minutes into the
indicator.  Plume intervals were longer today, mostly about an hour.  Lion
did have an interval of only 47min or so between full eruptions too.


Beehive 1800, 

Beehive Indicator 0945ie, 1348ie, 1730ie, 

Daisy 1302ie, 1536ie, 1815ie, 

Depression 1017ie, 

Grand 1604ns, 

Lion 1338 (initial), 1442, 1537ie, 1624, 1726ie, 1830, 

Oblong 1304ie, 1835ie, 

Old Faithful 0738ie, 0905, 1341, 1510, 1649ie, 1828, 

Plume 0750ie, 0846, 0946ie, 1043ie, 1144ie, 1243ie, 1348ie, 1642ie, 1900ie, 

Riverside 0915ie, 1459ie, 

Graham Meech


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