[Geysers] Geysers on NBC Today

GARY EINSTEIN greinstein at prodigy.net
Mon Jun 28 20:51:13 PDT 2010

Jim's closing words made me proud to be a geyser gazer geezer.

Gary Einstein

--- On Mon, 6/28/10, JOHN WARNOCK <johnwarnock at msn.com> wrote:

From: JOHN WARNOCK <johnwarnock at msn.com>
Subject: RE: [Geysers] Geysers on NBC Today
To: "geyser observation reports" <geysers at lists.wallawalla.edu>
Date: Monday, June 28, 2010, 9:16 AM

Saw Jimmy S. with the former 1st kid (I think it was Jenna Bush) this morning on the Today Show...you are a ROCK STAR Jim.  Was a nice send off for my day.  


John Warnock

To: Geysers at lists.wallawalla.edu
Date: Fri, 4 Jun 2010 15:22:26 -0400
From: jimscheir at aol.com
Subject: [Geysers] Geysers on NBC Today

The NBC Today Show will be filming in Yellowstone next week. I have been asked 
1) to be interviewed about geyser gazing, and to demonstrate what we do.
2) to accompany a crew around the Upper Geyser Basin the afternoon of Tuesday, June 8, and also on Wednesday, June 9, as they film geysers. 
The taped results are then to be incorporated into a June 28 program that is to include a live segment from the park. 
If there are changes or if I find out any additional details I will pass them along.
Jim Scheirer


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