[Geysers] Webcam times 6/16/2010

Graham Meech meechg at verizon.net
Wed Jun 16 19:11:09 PDT 2010

Here are some times from the webcams on Wednesday 6/16/10  taken from the
chat log (< <http://yellowstone.paulthompson.net/camchat/#StreamOnly>
), thanks for all the reports.  


Only one Beehive report today, ho-hum.  The static cam froze and restarted
during Beehive so we have no idea from the cam whether there was an
indicator or not.  Daisy interval was 2h50 and a Lion series with a 3min
stop reported before a restart late in the series.


Beehive 0926ie, 
Daisy 1646, 1936, 

Depression 1002ie, 
Lion 0520ie, 0734, 1002ie, 1117ie, 1223ie, 1325ie (off 1326, with a restart
1329), 1404ie, 
Little Squirt 1745ie, 

Oblong 1119ie (?), 

OF 0527ie, 0705, 1015, 1147ie, 1449ns, 1623ie, 1759, 1928, 
Plume 0932ie, 1029ie, 1354ie, 1447ie, 1636, 1733ie, 1925ie, 

Riverside 0600ie (?), 1753ie, 


Graham Meech



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