[Geysers] Riverside short intervals

TSBryan at aol.com TSBryan at aol.com
Tue Jun 15 10:02:05 PDT 2010

Well, clearly there was a rather major event involved, but the answer to  
the question "Has Riverside _ever_ had an interval under 5 hours before",  
the answer is in Marler's _Inventory_. to wit [emphasis mine]:
"As  a result of the 1959 earthquake Riverside's average interval was 
shortened about  one hour.  For the first few  days following the August 17 
incident the intervals were near 5 hours,  following which they began to 
gradually lengthen.  By late 1959 the average had increased  to 6 hours and 20 
minutes.  During  the 1960 season the average interval was 6 hours and 36 
minutes.  During the following three seasons the  average was about 7 hours and 10 
minutes; shortening close to an hour during  1964.  Including the 1964 
season,  and to the end of 1969, the average was near 6 hours and 20 minutes.  
The 1969 average, 6 hours and 14  minutes, was the shortest seasonal average 
on record." 
In  reviewing both Marler and Whittlesey, I see no indication that such 
short  interval are known at any other time. 
Scott  Bryan
In a message dated 6/14/2010 5:04:13 P.M. US Mountain Standard Time,  
goldbeml at ucmail.uc.edu writes:

According to the activity graphs posted on the GOSA website, the  5:14 
interval was quite possibly the shortest one since May 2003.   The interval 
of 4:58 us the shortest since...

Has Riverside _ever_  had an interval under 5 hours before?

Michael  Goldberg
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