[Geysers] Webcam times 6/1/2010

Graham Meech meechg at verizon.net
Tue Jun 1 20:34:02 PDT 2010

Here are some times from the webcams on Tuesday 6/1/10  taken from the
chat log (< <http://yellowstone.paulthompson.net/camchat/#StreamOnly>
) thanks for all the reports.  


There was an interesting steam cloud in the vicinity of F&M at 0617ie this
morning but since I have not heard anything more about it I suspect it was
just steam from something.  It looked like Riverside started a bit later but
who knows.  No daylight Beehive report today.  Lion was still going and
ended this morning.  Depression still pressing on steadily at under 3 hours.
Grand had an 11+ hour interval overnight followed by an 8 3/4 hour one


Aurum 1702ie (?), 

Daisy 0551, 0811ie, 

Depression 0657ie, 0951ie, 1244ie (?), 1537ie, 1824ie, 2110ie, 

Grand 0716ie, 1559ie D~11m 1b, 

Lion 0511ie, 0620ie, 0731, 0852ie, 1000ie, 

Oblong 1307ie, 

OF 0555ie, 0720, 0855, 1000ie, 1136ie, 1308ie, 1447ie, 1617ie, 1902, 2043ie,

Plume  0820, 0924ie, 1026ie, 1124ie, 1227ie, 1325ie, 1416ie, 1516ie, 1731ie,

Riverside 0629ie, 1241ie, 1836ie, 


Graham Meech



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