[Geysers] Webcam times 2/21/2010

Graham Meech meechg at verizon.net
Sun Feb 21 17:48:17 PST 2010

Here are some times from the webcams on Sunday 2/21/10  taken from the chat
( < <http://yellowstone..paulthompson.net/camchat/#StreamOnly>
http://yellowstone.paulthompson.net/camchat/#StreamOnly).  There was
reportedly either no indicator or a very short one today, it seems to be
having short indicators recently, at least based on webcam reports.

Beehive 1027ie, 

Daisy 1632ie, 

Grand 1833ie, 

OF 0713ie, 0851, 1020ie, 1149, 1319, 1626

Penta 0901ie, 

Plume  0834, 0947ie, 1315, 

Graham Meech


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