[Geysers] Geyser Reports 4/26/09-5/2/09

Bill Warnock billwarnock at wyellowstone.com
Sun May 3 17:14:42 PDT 2009


Castle 0217E maj  1604 maj
Daisy  1152  1401
Grand  0452E  1356 T2C
Aurum  0919
Beehive  1141  Indicator 1138ie
Plume  0857   1113


Daisy  0840  1104  1316ns  1524
Riverside  0948
Beehive 0703  Indicator 0653  
Beehive  2020ie  Indicator 2006
Grotto  1013
Lion  0621ie  1458
Plume  0909  1223  1718ie  1818  1915
Castle  0544E  1906min d=4  2307E maj
Grand  0546E  1513  T1C  2243E
Rift  1151ie  off at 1201  1314 heavy steam, no water


Daisy  0755  1557E  1825E  2036E  2247E
Grand  0745E  1641E
Riverside  1704ie
Aurum 0900ie
Beehive  1551  Indicator  1542
Plume  1310  1426  1530
Plate  1533ie  1739


Castle  0058E  1559 min  1950E
Daisy  0755ie  1023ie  1253  1509  1725  1942
Grand  0239E  1115 T1Q
Aurum  1338
Beehive  1529  Indicator 1512ie
Plume  1144   1410  1518
Oblong  1110ie
Little Squirt  1510ie


Castle  1019E  maj
Beehive 1142
Grand  0246E  1033ie
Lion  1206ie
Oblong  0937


Lion  0630ie  0811
Aurum  0812
Plume  0707  0824  0933
Depression  0934
Castle  0012E min  0404E maj  1847  min d=3 
(Castle had no other eruption either major or minor as of 1430 on 5/2 when I was last there, though Steve Eide says it has erupted since then.)
Daisy  0100E  0330E  0607E  1117ns  1336
Grand  0249E  1141 T1Q  2012
Artemesia  1010ie
Beehive  1055  Indicator  1043
Oblong  1147ie
Riverside  1449
At Fan and Mortar there were at last some encouraging event cycles.  One I saw had River Vent on at 1351, High at 1354, Gold at 1355, Angle 1406;  River Vent was off when I checked again at 1435.  On another cycle we got a big splash from Main Vent at 1524 and quite a few more splashes with good water levels in High and Gold.  Steve Eide took notes and will report in more detail after he gets home.  As of 3pm today--5/3--when he was leaving, Fan and Mortar had not erupted.  I'll be back on Tuesday to check on it.


Lion  0819ie  0923ie  1027
Aurum  1220
Grand  0520E  1334 T2Q
Daisy  0920  1204  1421ie
Riverside  0855ns
Little Squirt  1202ie
West Triplet  1211
Percolator  1226ns (first time we've seen it this season)
Depression  0946
Plume  0954  1100  1200

Park service officials say they are still reconsidering the Bear Management closures of the Lower and Midway Geyser Basins, but a Deputy Superintendent doesn't think they can open earlier than the Friday of Memorial Day weekend this year.  She says there are legal and other issues to be addressed.  I responded that this unprecedented closure is of serious concern to many in the geyser observing community, and that I hoped we could have a meeting to discuss these and other concerns with her and the Park Superintendent.  She says they would welcome a chance to talk with us.  There have been no Bear Management closures that I know of at the Upper Basin this year, in large part because the bison and elk are much healthier than last year and thus few if any carcasses for bears in that area.
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