[Geysers] Trees!

TSBryan at aol.com TSBryan at aol.com
Fri Mar 6 05:11:01 PST 2009

I hope MA might elucidate on, or confirm, what she wrote (below) --  that 
those trees, which were not in front of the Inn when it was built nor,  
apparently, as late as the 1950s, were planted by the Bureau of Public Roads  where 
nature had grown none? If so......?
And with that, I personally drop this topic.
Scott Bryan
In a message dated 3/4/2009 6:13:37 P.M. US Mountain Standard Time,  
mabdepot at msn.com writes:

As a  student of YNP roads, I must say that the Bureau of Public roads was 
very  proud of those trees!   Next time you enjoy the shade at Riverside  Geyser 
be sure to appreciate their "improvements" at that developed  area.

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