[Geysers] From geyserhound at hotmail.com - Winter in Yellowstone

Steven Krause S_Krause at mchsi.com
Wed Dec 16 16:59:33 PST 2009

My compliments on your skill and thanks for sharing this! Not only is it 
wonderful views of something I've not seen, I'm envious of your ability 
to get excellent photos in one of the more difficult conditions to get 
proper exposures! Snow is tough to work with!

Steve Krause

geyserhound at hotmail.com wrote:
> webshots <http://www.webshots.com> 	
> *You have received a new
> eCard from geyserhound at hotmail.com.*
> Hello all, Here is an album of photos that I took over the course of 
> three winter seasons in Yellowstone, from 1998 through 2001. For those 
> of you who have been to Yellowstone in winter, views like these will 
> look familiar. For those of you who have never been to Yellowstone in 
> winter, or might not ever make it there that time of year, these 
> images help to show that the park is indeed "another world" during the 
> winter months. Happy holidays everyone. Andrew Hafner
> *View your eCard now 
> <http://cards.webshots.com/ecard/pickup/150407657tqTNVo>*
> Your eCard is available until Jan 15
> <http://cards.webshots.com/ecard/pickup/150407657tqTNVo>
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