[Geysers] Geyser report Sun Aug 31

Ralph Taylor ralpht at fuse.net
Wed Sep 3 09:53:36 PDT 2008

Scott Bryan wrote:

 Sunday, August 31, 2008 6:52 PM
> Grotto was ie marathon, still going as of 1400, apparently having started
at about 2220 last evening (8/30). Even so, even after more than 
> 15 hours of Grotto, Bijou had not completely shut off.
Grotto was on from 2231 (e) to about 1854 (e), for a duration of 20h23m.
 > Lion 0854 initial and also the end of the series -- series of one
eruption following yesterday's "all day" activity.
That series on 30 August had seven eruptions (0538, 0712, 0821, 0914, 1038,
1206, 1300) -- the longest series since two series of seven eruptions on
July 26 and July 27. 
Ralph Taylor
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