[Geysers] Close to Cone

Pat Snyder riozafiro at comcast.net
Sat Oct 18 15:25:43 PDT 2008

Very nice close up of Beehive on the still cam this morning. Sat.,  
Oct. 18, 2008. (I am being clear on my dates now!)
It revealed Close to Cone having a significant eruption! Is this the  
first time Close to Cone has been seen this fall?
Beehive started at 1132 wc, Close to Cone shortly after.

Thank you to whoever was running the cam. Unfortunately, my snaps of  
it were badly pixellated, so they don't show anything, or I would post  
them. I am attaching a still cam shot where you can see Close to Cone  
if you look closely.
Pat Snyder

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