[Geysers] Report for Oct. 7, 2008 (Tuesday)

Bill Warnock billwarnock at wyellowstone.com
Tue Oct 7 21:40:29 PDT 2008

Warmer day today...up to 59 degrees in Upper Basin, and lots of sun in afternoon PLUS more wind.  Not uncomfortable though.  No other gazers around today to my knowledge.

Plume  0908  -- 1100  --  1258
Daisy  0918  1131  1343 i.e.
Grotto 0955  1544 n.s.
Grotto Fountain 1544 n.s. (think I saw also from distance at 0955)
Beehive ind.  1122 n.s.  Beehive 1132
Lion  1125  1253
Great Fountain was in eruption at 1220 when I arrived; visitor reported it had started at 1155--seemed reliable
Riverside   1358
Castle  1422 n.s.
West Triplet  1446
Artemesia   1529 i.e. 

Saw no Grand, which was predicted for 1530,  no eruption as of 1650 when I left.

Fan and Mortar in garbage mode while I saw it..not much time spent; Bijou vigorous...no pauses observed.
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