[Geysers] Geysers 4th Edition

TSBryan at aol.com TSBryan at aol.com
Fri Jun 27 08:02:28 PDT 2008

Just in case anybody out there might have ordering in mind, I am told that  
the new, 4th Edition of my book, The Geysers of Yellowstone, should be  back 
from the printer to the publisher within a week or so and, with that,  available 
for distribution by mid-July at the latest.
Please note that while the publisher is University Press of Colorado, their  
distribution agreement is with Oklahoma University Press. 
Book info: ISBN 978-0-87081-924-7. Price: $24.95 plus shipping. Be sure to  
specify 4th Edition.
Internet orders: _www.upcolorado.com_ (http://www.upcolorado.com) 
Phone orders: (800) 627-7377 or (405) 325-2000
Mail (checks accepted payable to "OU Press", tax 7.5% only on orders within  
OUP Distribution Center
2800 Venture Drive
Norman, OK 73069-8216
No doubt the book will also be available via Amazon and such, and in the  
park, but I can't say how soon.
T. Scott Bryan

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