[Geysers] Backpacker magazine

TSBryan at aol.com TSBryan at aol.com
Mon Jul 7 15:15:15 PDT 2008

Here's a little something of the sort that I've previously written to  
publishers about. Since doing that never seems to do any good, I shall forego  the 
effort this time. But:
Backpacker magazine, August 2008 ("National Parks Issue"), page 89  
[bracketed comments are mine]:
-- From the South Entrance (a 70-mile drive through the park) [hey, that's  
what it says right here in the article!] hit the Heart Lake/Mt. Sheridan  area 
for a five-day highlights tour: high alpine scenery, fitful geysers, and  
SOAKABLE HOT SPRINGS [emphasis mine -- gee, I wonder which springs they  
-- I also think I might get lost following these directions:
Best Dayhike: Shoshone Geyser Basin
Trek 18 miles from the Lone Star Geyser Trail to the Shoshone Lake  Trail 
past the Lone Star Geyser to Grants [sic, "Grant's"] Pass. Turn right  [turn 
right at Grants Pass?!?] onto the North Shore Trail and tour a geyser  basin 
that's usually full of bison [really?!?, says I, having never, ever seen  one 
Ah, well.......
Scott  Bryan

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