[Geysers] Bryan Mystery 6-08

Karen Webb minissa2003 at yahoo.com
Mon Feb 18 08:57:33 PST 2008

With Mortar in the background and the basic shape, it looks like 
Spiteful, although it looks farther from the path/road from this angle 
and almost looks like it should be something on the eastern end of the 
main Fan vents. Cool photo (do you happen to have one of traffic on the 
road above Artemesia?  I guess this is post an OF eruption and that's 
why the cars are headed away?  (And is this a bear jam or normal traffic 
from back then?)

>  Eclipse Geyser, White Creek, LGB.
> David Schwarz
> Well, I said Bryan Mystery 3 would be easy. This one is really easy, 
> too, but I love the historical context. The next time somebody asks 
> you why the road was removed from the geyser basin...
> Scott Bryan
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