[Geysers] Beehive, and a little on the streaming video webcam

carolyn loren caroloren98 at hotmail.com
Sat Feb 16 11:22:53 PST 2008

Beehive 3 days in a row!  At near 1038 today (I'm not with the logbook though).
No new Giant or Fan & Mortar yet...
My understanding about the streaming video webcam is that so many people were accessing it so often and for so long, that it was too much.  I think the plan is to block its use as a screensaver, and to automatically have it close if it's in use past a certain period of time.  Apparently Yellowstone's website is beating out Grand Canyon's by 2 to 1 or something like that, because of that webcam.
I don't know when it will be fixed...
Carolyn Loren
Shed those extra pounds with MSN and The Biggest Loser!
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