[Geysers] Guess The Geyser

Pat Snyder riozafiro at gmail.com
Sat Dec 13 19:08:07 PST 2008

I am guessing Churn Geyser?

Also, on Friday's Beehive time (12/12/08), I meant to let Graham know  
that was approximate, I have the exact time on my notepad at work but  
didn't bring it home with me. Indicator started before dawn, and  
Beehive was just after it got light.
Pat Snyder

On Dec 13, 2008, at 5:56 PM, David Monteith wrote:

> No one has guessed correctly.  So, a couple hints.
> The geyser is in the Upper Geyser Basin.
> It is not seen every year.
> Dave

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