[Geysers] Old Faithful Live Streaming Webcam is Online! (Sept. 28, 0820)

Donnie Grisso dlgrisso at yahoo.com
Fri Sep 28 12:43:18 PDT 2007

Thanks Bruce for the info on the streaming webcam; I was impressed. 
  Plume erupted as I was checking it out and someone zoomed it in and you were as close to Plume as you are to OF. I cannot imagine what a closeup of Beehive would look like but I can't wait to see one. The only problem I see is that a lot of us might be spending a lot of time watching this for awhile.
  Donnie Grisso

Bruce Jensen <bpnjensen at yahoo.com> wrote:
  Old Faithful Live Streaming Webcam!


This device seems to be controlled as to direction by somebody at OF. It
usually shows the normal webcam view, but occasionally scans to, and
magnifies, the lower portion of the UGB.

Bruce Jensen

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