[Geysers] Update on Sam Martinez

Suzanne Strasser sjstrasser at comcast.net
Thu Oct 11 16:11:55 PDT 2007

Here is the latest update from Theresa Martinez:


Update on Sam 10 Oct. 2007


            I was not able to go to Great Falls last weekend so it had been
a week since I had last seen Sam.  He is alert, talking, and answering and
asking questions coherently.  In the last day or so they have started him on
a liquid diet by mouth and he is no longer hooked up to oxygen all the time.

            He is also practicing writing, and can now read things.  He has
asked for some books which I will take him and a CD player and some CD's,
which I will also take him.  

            There is to be a doctor's conference tomorrow, Thursday and they
will decide whether to keep him in Great Falls in rehab or make other
arrangements for now.  I am not certain when I will hear that decision as
they often call me at home and leave a message.  I do not get home until
after 8pm on Thursday evenings.  

            I was not able to tell whether Sam is walking better or doing
more things like that on his own.  I think as he is able to tolerate more
food by mouth he will do more as his strength returns.  

            I am taking any cards he receives up to him.  

            I thank everyone for their concern and prayers.



Theresa sent me a further update this (Thursday) afternoon:


    It looks like they'll have me bring Sam down to Helena for a month's
stay in a skilled nursing facility.  Then at the end of that time, they will
have me take him back up to Gt. Falls for the rest of his rehab.  Will let
you know when I know more.




-- Suzanne Strasser

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