[Geysers] Rainbow Springs question

Chase Ellison crellison at gmail.com
Tue Mar 20 18:06:12 PDT 2007

Just to fill some info in for those not knowing where the Rainbow  
Springs area is located and just a few additional bits of info. The  
Rainbow Springs are located about 4 miles northeast of Josephs Coat  
Hot Springs which is east of Canyon just off of the Wapiti Lake Trail  
Head. It is also 1 or 2 miles north of Hot Springs Basin (depending  
where you say the end of the basin is) No trails access it. I  
recently hiked out there with a few friends it was a 3 day hike round  
trip and requires lots of bushwhacking round trip from the Canyon  
area is about 37 miles. Unfortunately, when I was out there my camera  
had ran out of batteries when I was in Joseph's coat. However, here  
is an overhead picture of most of the area taken in the 1970's by the  
park service


It appeared to me that there were many vents sharing one common basin  
however, its hard to see from this picture the "oily sheen"

Chase Ellison

On Mar 20, 2007, at 8:44 AM, snorkology at sysmatrix.net wrote:

> Hi all,
> Thanks to Lee for correcting me on the name of Rainbow Springs. It  
> brings
> up a question though---am I to assume that there is  more than one  
> spring
> out there with the oily surface sheen? I have essentially no  
> information
> on hand regarding these features, in fact I've never even seen a  
> photo of
> them. If anyone has one I'd like to see it.
>                                     Grover Schrayer
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