[Geysers] Beehive 17 July 2007 at 1538 and another Vent delay (Schwarz)

MaryBeth Schwarz mbschwar at hotmail.com
Tue Jul 17 15:09:20 PDT 2007

     On 16 July Grand had another 3 burst eruption at1940(T3Q).

     Today 17 July Beehive's Indicator was called at 1530 followed by 
Beehive at 1538.

     Grand overnight time 17 July was 0403 Elec.  At 1052 this morning there 
was a Vent delay, and Grand erupted at 1305(V7/T2Q).  While waiting for 
Grand, there was a Tardy cycle and Penta erupted at 1341 (d=61m, thanks 

     Grotto started 16 July at 0920 and was still ie at 1456 17 July.

     Mary Beth

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