[Geysers] Fountain-area report 7/7,7/9,7/12

Ben Hoppe ben.hoppe at gmail.com
Fri Jul 13 22:27:02 PDT 2007

Knowing that I had some time to kill due to Giant's eruption on 7/6. I spent
some time in the Lower Basin watching Fountain. Jet/"Super Frying Pan" (SFP)
eruptions either during Fountain or after Fountain I did not generally
record, so only eruptions preceding the Fountain are ones that will be
reported (with a couple of exceptions due to poor timing). On all three days
upon my arrival, Morning was the lowest I've ever seen it which is not much
compared to other gazers, but just among past experience. It was completely
out of sight on 7/7 and 7/9 looking from the Overlook until about 3 hours
prior to Fountain's eruption. The bubbling in Morning, I noticed, seemed to
be cyclic as it rose, but once it hit its peak height, the bubbling was near
constant, but this is something I have seen in previous years as I'm sure
others have.

July 7, 2007
There was a geyser erupting to 15-20 feet near Deep Blue/Drain, and I was
not able to identify it. Kitt told me that it was Deep Blue #12, and this
was the only day of the three that it was seen to be active. It had seen
eruptions consisting of 2-3 bursts at 1130, 1309, and 1405.

Then the Fountain area consumed my attention:
Jet had eruptions at 1329, 1341, 1348, 1355, 1405, 1410, 1417, 1425, 1432
"Super Frying Pan" had one eruptioin between the 1329 and 1341 Jet's. It was
Spasm was noted at  1343 near start.
Twig was seen at 1423.

Fountain began at 1436 and had a duration of 31 minutes.
Morning's Thief began at 1437 and again around 1440.

July 9
I ended up arriving not too long (within an hour) after a Fountain which I
hadn't learned until about 3-4 hours later, but I had guessed it had
recently erupted due to water levels. Jet had one final eruption at 1031,
and SFP at 1046.

Drain was active with very nice eruptions. The times recorded: 1122, 1133,
1144, 1152, 1159, 1232, 1244, 1256, 1307, 1318, and 1656.

"Super Frying Pan" was noted at 1238 ie. This came about 3 hours after the
previous Fountain, and nearly 6 1/2 before the next.

Twig was seen at 1634.
Jet was 1624, 1650, 1656.
Fountain started at 1701. Duration of 31 minutes. This was the best eruption
I can remember watching, and of course, I left my camera in the car. About
10 minutes into the eruption we had a "superburst" that made everyone on the
lower boardwalk, myself included, wrench their necks upward to see the
highest droplets. It was BIG.
Morning's Thief was at 1702, and again at 1709. Once again, a nice eruption.
Jet was recorded during the eruption by Karl Hoppe at 1703, 1711 (one missed
interval between 1703 and 1711), 1716, 1725, 1727, 1730, and 1731.

July 12
Finally I arrived within 2 hours of an eruption. This seemed like a short
wait compared to the other two days.
SFP 1136
Spasm 1155ns
Jet 1238, 1244, 1251, and continuned throughout the Fountain eruption.
Fountain began at 1253 with a duration of 32 minutes.
Morning's Thief had eruptions at 1254, 1257, and around 1301. These were the
biggest eruptions that I had seen in my trip in the Park.

Drain was active again with noted eruptions at 1232, 1245, and 1311.

I generally don't get to spend a whole lot of time in this area because of
lack of cooperation of Giant, but it was gracious enough to let me spend
time elsewhere in the Park. Fountain erupted, as has been reported most of
the year, from low pools. You can see water if you stand on the boardwalk
near Fountain, but not from the overlook. It generally had one preliminary
burst to about 5 feet that told you it was going to start the REAL eruption
in about 30 seconds. Good prep for those with cameras. One other thing of
note, Ferric Geyser was seen to be active also. The eruptions were very nice
vertical eruptions that were easily noticed from the overlook. As much as I
wish that Morning was active as opposed to Morning's Thief, Thief is really
a very nice geyser to watch. I recommend trying to get your pictures of that
in the first 10 minutes of Fountain's duration. It seemd that Fountain had a
lot of it's best stuff after Thief was done.

It was an extremely enjoyable trip, and I can't wait for next year. Great to
see everyone, and some new gazers I haven't met before.
Go Giant! and Go Fan and Mortar!

-Ben Hoppe

I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in
me. The life I live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who
loved me and gave himself for me. - Galatians 2:20
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