[Geysers] Giant height, 6/20.

Eric Hatfield conantb at swbell.net
Mon Jul 2 20:49:13 PDT 2007

I looked at the picture of Giant at the Bailey's website.  Great picture.

And that is really, really big!

I invite others to make their own guess, but using landmarks in the photo, I think the highest jet is at least 220 ft.  Using the people in the foreground as a metric is a clear underestimate, given that they are 100 ft. closer than the eruption.  That gives a height around 170.  Using the cone is a little too far and overestimates, but that gives a height of around 270 ft....

It looks as if there is significant wind, and that the eruption has been going on at least a little while.  What were the first jets like???

Correct me if I'm wrong.

Go Giant Go.
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