[Geysers] Geysers in Advertising

MA Bellingham mabdepot at msn.com
Thu Jan 25 12:30:09 PST 2007

Hello SnowBound Gazers -

It appears that Metamucil was not the first.   Check this out circa 1950.

For those of you who are sticklers for detail, I don't have a finding aid or 
citation for this.  They are continually refining the archival and vertical 
file material and were organizing these when I walked by.  If you need it 
for some reason, (!) the HRC staff was dividing up a "literature" file into 
prose, poetry, cartoon, etc.  It should be find-able by asking to see 

I know list members headed to the UGB in the near future.  Go Giant!


M.A. Bellingham
mabdepot at msn.com

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