[Geysers] Emailing: Old Faithful Geyser WebCam - Yellowstone National Park.htm (I believe we have Giant.) Kitt I'm off to work.

barger barger at tritel.net
Tue Jan 23 09:47:34 PST 2007

Old Faithful Geyser WebCam - Yellowstone National Park
      The Official Website of Yellowstone National Park - The Old Faithful WebCam


      Powered by StarDot NetCam Megapixel, www.stardot-tech.com

      This real-time still image will automatically update in  seconds. 


      The Old Faithful WebCam gets over 2,500,000 unique visits annually. 
      Our small staff size makes it impossible to answer everyone's questions
      related to the geysers and steam columns seen in the webcam images.
      While we welcome comments and suggestions related to the webcam, 
      please do not contact us to ask questions about the images or webcam
      functions. The information below is being provided to answer most questions.

      The link for making comments and suggestions is located at the bottom of this page. 

      To see photos of the geysers erupting click a geyser name from the list below:

      Grand | Giant | Beehive | Lion | Plume | Old Faithful | Anemone | Aurum | Giantess | General Reference Photo 


      Questions & Answers about the Newest Old Faithful WebCam 

      When are the predictions posted?


      If you are experiencing difficulties with the WebCam, please read the
      Known WebCam Problems Page.


      The Old Faithful WebCam sends a new real-time photo of Old Faithful Geyser approximately every 30 seconds. Old Faithful is not the largest or most regular geyser in the park. It has become a popular destination because it erupts more frequently than any of the other big geysers.

      All times mentioned on this page are Mountain Time.


      For more information about the area visit our Old Faithful Area Online Tour.


      Our Other WebCams

      New Mammoth WebCam | Original Mammoth WebCam  | Mt. Washburn WebCam 


      Yellowstone Home   |  NPS ParkNet Home

      Planning a Visit | Table of Contents | Visiting Online | Nature | History | Kids' Stuff | Technical | Publications

      Make a comment or suggestion
      Last Updated: Tuesday, 16-Jan-2007 13:38:39 Eastern Standard Time 
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