[Geysers] Answer: Mystery Gesyer 1

David Monteith dmonteit at icehouse.net
Tue Jan 9 19:43:13 PST 2007

David Schwaz is correct and Kitt was very close.  The first picture is East 

This was from the same amateur photo album as the Giant picture I posted 
last week. The cover of the album is inscribed "Remembrances on our trip 
through Yellowstone Park from Louis de Crignis to Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Dean, 
Aug. 5th to 12th 1907".

I've attached one more geyser photo, this time showing both Fan and 
Mortar.  Between the three (Sunday's, Monday's and today's) you can pretty 
well piece together what the formation looked like at that time.  I found 
it interesting to note how much the formation has eroded in the last 100 
years.  East and main vents have both changed significantly.  As Tara 
pointed out, main vent had a cone and as for east vent, well the lack of 
erosion is what made it so hard to identify.  Near the center of this 
picture, it is also possible to see part of the old road bridge that once 
crossed the river just down stream from Riverside.

For fun, I've included two additional pictures documenting the tourists' 


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