[Geysers] Oregon geyser activity

Udo Freund gosastore at qnet.com
Mon Feb 19 16:12:49 PST 2007

Bob and anyone else on the list that has recent Mickey Hot Springs data, 
please respond directly to arkanjl at dslnorthwest.net regarding this email.



arkanjl at dslnorthwest.net wrote:

> Dear GOSA representative,
> For several years I have been curious about a reference to a  
> previously unknown geyser located in southeastern Oregon.  While  
> reading Thunder over the Ochoco, Volume III: Lightning Strikes, by  
> Gale Ontko, I found two references to the sacred Shoshoni place known  
> as 'Chak-pahu' (i.e. 'Speaking Spring') located somewhere to the east  
> side of Steen's Mountain.
> The footnote on page 39 provides this information:
> "This geyser which spouts 200 degree water 6 to 8 feet in the air was  
> discovered by Bureau of Land Management employees in March 1991.   
> Located in the remote high desert country east of Steen's Mountain,  
> its existence had been unknown.  According to Mark Armstrong,  
> spokesman for BLM, "this geyser runs every minute or so.  It was once  
> a churning spring or turbulent bubbling hot spring.  Nearby is a  
> series of small mud pots of the sort found in Yellowstone National  
> Park."
> My initial research was via an email contact with a representative of  
> the Burns District office of the BLM.  Thresa Geisler of the BLM  
> responded to my inquiry with the following information:
> "Mickey Hot Springs has a shallow 1-foot-diameter water pool that  
> geysered in 1991 during an unusually wet year.  BLM employees  
> responded to public inquiries.  I think a person from GOSA (Geyser  
> Observation Society of America, primarily active at Yellowstone  
> National Park) discovered it.  I have a videotape of the geyser made  
> by Bob Berger of GOSA on May 17 and 18, 1991.  It only geysered  
> (periodically erupting water into the air) for a few months.  At its  
> best it erupted water 6 or 8 feet up, then only one or two feet up,  
> and then it just periodically vigorously bubbled.  It wasn't 
> geysering  or periodically bubbling when I was last out there in 
> December 2006.   I checked it after the wet May weather we had in 2005 
> and it didn't  geyser or periodically bubble then."
> I am hoping that someone with your organization may be able to  
> corroborate this account provided by the BLM.  I would not remain so  
> curious about this geyser event except for the statement in Gale  
> Ontko's book that the existence of the geyser had previously been  
> unknown.  Mickey Hot Springs has been well known for a very long time.
> Does your organization have a record of geyser activity in the area  
> east of Steen's Mountain around March 1991 at Mickey Hot Springs (or  
> any other locations)?
> Is there a Bob Berger with your organization that may have additional  
> information regarding this transient geyser activity?  (I would very  
> much like to see the videotape of the geyser activity, if that is  
> possible.)
> Since this short-term geyser activity was previously unknown you may  
> understand my continuing curiosity.  Any information you may be able  
> to provide to clarify the circumstances of this mystery will be  
> appreciated.
> Thank you,
> Paul Klein
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