[Geysers] GIANT 12/21 1315vr

Michael Goldberg mikeg at math.jhu.edu
Fri Dec 21 19:23:27 PST 2007

Thanks for the report.

The streaming video gave me the impression that Mastiff erupted first
(the camera immediately zoomed in on the steam cloud at this point).
with Giant following 2-3 minutes later amid a larger comet-head of rising 

Of course steam cloud impressions can be very misleading,
so this is no substitute for an eyewitness report.

Michael Goldberg

On Fri, 21 Dec 2007, carolyn loren wrote:

> Enthusiastic and very cooperative visitors, with a cell phone, confirmed 
> the huge steam cloud this afternooon.  Today they also reported Grand at 
> 1137vr and Riverside 1335vr.  We'll get more details on the Giant if we 
> can; they may have been waiting at Riverside when it started.
> Carolyn Loren

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