[Geysers] Video of cold-water, semi-manmade geyser

Bruce Jensen bpnjensen at yahoo.com
Wed Apr 18 08:00:55 PDT 2007

--- David Schwarz <david.schwarz at gmail.com> wrote:

>    The video in the link below appears to be of a manhole in the middle
> of a
> highway erupting violently during a flash flood.  It's remarkably
> reminiscent of Grand, including a three-minute pause (based on the time
> in
> the upper left corner) between bursts.  I don't know where it is, but it
> appears to be authentic.  I'm at a loss to explain the physics behind it
> if
> it is, though.
> http://www.bringmepie.com/video.php?id=3031
> David Schwarz

This is rather amazing.  It appears, based on the large manhole cover in
the middle of the opposite lane, that this was not the first set of
"eruptions".  It may have been doing this for hours.  It could be that
several smaller feeders with different concentration times reached that
block point at different times, resulting in spaced charges of water
issuing from the hole.

Just as amazing, however, is that motorists seem to be blasting right
along through the deep water without much slowing...note the jeep (?)
driver on the other side who just plows into the manhole during the first
blast, even though it was already on the pavement and ostensibly quite

Bruce Jensen

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