[Geysers] Geyser report September 18

TSBryan at aol.com TSBryan at aol.com
Mon Sep 18 15:27:12 PDT 2006

A beautiful day -- hardly a cloud in the sky, only a light breeze most  of 
the time, and a temperature into the 50s. Enjoy. Supposed to cloud up  tomorrow 
and get a bit wet and cold until Sunday.
Yesterday's Grotto proved to be a mini-marathon that ended sometime after  
about 2330 (probably only shortly after). There was a recovery hot period at  
0635 that was reported by Steve Eide to be weak through the duration of 5  
minutes. Anotehr better hot period happened at 1005. It had a duration of  exactly 
6m 00s and for a time had Mastiff surging fully 3 to 4 feet high. I'm  pretty 
sure there was no hot period between those two. A third, weak event was  
barely missed at 1230.
Today, Grotto Fountain was 1055ns and had a duration longer than 30  minutes. 
Grotto evidently came on weakly around 1215 but not with full force  until 
1227, about the time that Grotto Fountain finally quit.
Daisy had an i.e. interval of about 2h 25m.
Grand erupted on the second Turban after Rift started, at 0914ie, and was  
-2Q. The interval from the overnight electronic time of 2331 was roughly 9h  43m.
After erupting at 0531ns yesterday, Beehive surprised by going today at  
0917. The Indicator was 0911ie.
Other eruptions today were hit-n-miss with no intervals to report.
In the LGB, after yesterday's very long Pink Cone interval (23h 08m), today  
it went short. It was done except for weak steam puffs at 0720, and therefore  
must have started well before 0600, giving an interval of less than 20  hours.
Fountain was ie at 1248.
The disassembly of the old OFVC appears to have started. The south side was  
wrapped in bright orange, plastic fencing and maintenance people (plumbers?)  
were at work in both the restroom and the main buildings.
And the OF Lodge is now closed for the season, except that drinks and  snacks 
apparently can be had at the bake shop counter.
Scott Bryan
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