[Geysers] Photos from Mike - Geysers Scenes Bear YNP Fall 2006 andmore...

Paul Strasser upperbasin at comcast.net
Sun Sep 10 13:47:24 PDT 2006

Mike -


Thanks for the photos.


Incidentally, the photos of Kaleidoscope are actually of vent #12 within
Deep Blue.  Kaleidoscope was all but dormant this summer, and #12 (a truly
evocative name - Grand.  Splendid.  Twelve) was quite active.  It can erupt
well over 100 feet high.  One of them might be of Drain Geyser, but it's so
zoomed in I can't tell.  But they aren't of Kaleidoscope.


Great photos.


Paul Strasser

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