[Geysers] in lieu of Giant

TSBryan at aol.com TSBryan at aol.com
Mon Sep 4 19:44:03 PDT 2006

Abstract: Nothing was learned.
Introduction: Emporer John of Yellowstone suggested that these springs  ought 
to be studied. However, he dceclined to do so himself.
Research: Nymph Spring(s) is(are) small thermal features located east of  the 
Roosevelt Lodge horse corrals.
Field Work: Maybe so, but on Monday, Labor Day, September 4, 2006, it was  
discovered that the Roosevelt Lodge was laready ( ! ) closed for the  season.
Summary: None.
Recommendations: I recommend that the Emporer detail an expedition to Nymph  
Spring(s) during 2007, an expedition including himself but not myself, in 
order  to highly and tjhoroughly anbd completley analzie thest fetuxrs.l
Rsepctflouky submitedd
The Wizzzrd
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