[Geysers] Heart Lake 29-30 September

jacross jacross at lamar.colostate.edu
Fri Oct 6 22:14:36 PDT 2006

Two visits to Heart Lake Geyser Basin on 29 and 30 September 2006 netted a
total of *four* geysers erupting to heights of 3 feet or more.  They are (drum
roll) Rustic, Ivory, Glade and Splurger.

Glade was caught post-eruptive two times, 24 hours apart.  I believe 8- and
12-hour intervals are out of the question, so this probably represents a
24-hour interval, up from the 11-19 hour intervals recorded in July.

Unfortunately, Pit Geyser, the most dependable >3-foot geyser in the Fissure
Group, seems to have fallen dormant.

Splurger is very regular, with 30-33 minute intervals leading to 17-18 minute
eruptions reaching the grand height of 3 feet.  (Trumpet fanfare!)

Jeff Cross
jacross at lamar.colostate.edu

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