[Geysers] Geyser report October 2

TSBryan at aol.com TSBryan at aol.com
Mon Oct 2 14:14:34 PDT 2006

Hey, look! I'm getting around to posting this at a reasonable time  today.
Yesterday's Grotto marathon ended sometime between 2100 and 2200, so had a  
duration of something around 18 hours. The Giant recovery hot period took place 
 before anybody was out (my footsteps in the boardwalk frost were the first 
of  the day), probably near 0700 or a little before -- yes indeed, roughly 9 
hours  after the marathon ended. Clearly, though, it wasn't very strong. 
Subsequent hot  periods happened at about 0900 (maybe 0800, too, but nobody was 
anywhere near  there at that time), 1029 (d = 5m 22s, Mastiff briefly to 3 feet), 
1135 (d = 1m  49s, really weak) and 1238 (d = 4m 34s, Mastiff mostly flat and 
below  overflow).
Grotto's first post-marathon attempt to erupt happened mid-morning. Grotto  
Fountain started at 1006 and had a duration of about 19 minutes. Grotto did a  
lot of grumbling and even showed a bit of water within the cone, but it did 
not  erupt. The next Grotto Fountain was at 1313ie, after Bill Warnock had left 
the  area and just as Mike Lang and I were both headed toward Great Fountain.
Oblong was well below overflow at 0730, then erupted at 0959, so a  
relatively short interval.
Daisy was 0720E -- I must have barely missed seeing it on arrival -- and  
then erupted sometime between 1006 and 1029 (while we were watching Grotto not  
Grand was last night at 2145E, this morning at 0615E (8h 15m), and 1254 (6h  
39m, a T1Q with a duration a few seconds short of 13 minutes).
I only got one Plume interval, and that was 69 minutes.
Beehive day before yesterday had been at, I believe, 1055. Yesterday it did  
not erupt all day (at least, the boardwalk was dry at dawn) and still not  as 
of after 2100. At midday today it was having a few weak splashes.
Bill Warnock caught Fountain ie, later learned that it was at 1056 with a  
duration of 36 minutes. I'm not sure of the source of that info.
Yesterday morning, Great Fountain was 0945ie. There then was a visitor  
report that it went last night "after midnight." Today at around 1330 it was  below 
That's all for today. Not all that cold today -- 58 here in town at 1400 --  
but a forcast for 60% chance of precipitation tonight, snow at the "higher  
Scott Bryan
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