[Geysers] Active Fires

V ynp4me at yahoo.com
Tue Jul 18 18:13:12 PDT 2006

Right now- TUE eve 7/18 - they have moved the 
Washburn webcam to view a fire...

~ Vicky

--- Carlton Cross <cross at bmi.net> wrote:

> I just checked the fire status and the smoke that TSB reported comes
> from a lightning fire named "Magpie," which is located about seven
> from Madison, slightly south of due east.  It's size is listed as 0.5
> acres.
> There are two other active fires in the Roosevelt area; both are
> smaller.
> Here's the link for the curious.
> http://www.nps.gov/yell/technical/fire/
> Carlton Cross

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