[Geysers] Either a Rift in the Time-Space Continuum or a badly mistimed April Fool's Joke.

Paul Behunin lord_aragorn_elessar at hotmail.com
Fri Dec 1 10:07:00 PST 2006

Hello, Gazers!

Check out the date on this capture from the OF Webcam done today! We have 
either gone through a rip in our time-space continuum, or someone is playing 
April Fool on us a bit too late! I'm hoping for the former; that way I can 
see Giant go off as it did in the past.......or, will in the 
future.......like it did before.......gosh this is confusing.......(grin!). 
Have a great day, all!

I remain at your service,

Paul V. Behunin

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