[Geysers] What geyser is this?

David Schwarz david.schwarz at gmail.com
Sat Aug 19 15:17:46 PDT 2006

   Could be Pump.  I'm not used to this angle yet, but I'd expect more water
and a bigger steam cloud from Aurum, unless it's right at the start.


On 8/19/06, Kevin & Sherri Leany <ksleany at cox.net> wrote:
>  I caught this shot on the webcam the first night the new webcam was up.
> The eruption only showed water on one frame.  The only thing I can think of
> that it might be in that area is Aurum.  I was just wondering if anyone else
> had an idea or a confirmation on what it is.
> Kevin Leany
> ksleany at cox.net
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