[Geysers] A little more on "rude" gazers...

V ynp4me at yahoo.com
Thu Aug 3 02:47:38 PDT 2006

I agree that one should sign their name if they 
are going to address GOSA as a whole.  I also 
hope that the person has directly addressed the 
person with which they had a complaint.   

I'd expect this sort of hiding one's identity on 
the internet (an unfortunate and widespread practice) 
but not on a formal letter sent to an organization.

~ Vicky 

--- David Schwarz <david.schwarz at gmail.com> wrote:

>    First: The letter in question was addressed to the GOSA press and
> membership.  As such, it is clearly intended for publication.  While
> it doesn't explicitly name names, it might as well, since it indicts 
> an easily identifiable group of people, many of whom are among 
> the most dedicated and productive in terms of the collection of 
> information about the geysers.  If you're going to do that, then 
> have the courage and decency to sign your name.  It adds credibility 
> and context to your complaint, and it places you on even footing 
> with those who you have, for all intents and purposes, named.  Not 
> to do so is, well, rude.

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