[Geysers] gazers

V ynp4me at yahoo.com
Thu Aug 3 02:38:07 PDT 2006


This was discussed on the Yellowstone list in the 
middle of July.  You made similar comments then 
yet what is the solution?  

It's my feeling that if you have an issue with anyone,
you should discuss it directly with the person. 

How does specifically targeting GOSA members 
or being vague with a "they" solve an individuals
problem with another person?

The bison comment, saying others don't want to 
be around them sounds pretty mean to me.  Yikes!

LOL- I am almost always happier to see a friend 
walk up then a complete stranger.  Expecting 
others to treat a stranger as a close friend seems
slightly unreasonable to me.  

~ Vicky 

--- sheri <email.sheri at verizon.net> wrote:

> I think..... and in my mind I have rationalized it this way....
> Geyser gazers are like lone bison....
> They are alone for a reason..
> Either they don't want to be around others...
> or others don't want to be around them.
> I have had good, ok, and horrible experiences with fellow gazers on
> the basin.
> I understand the time factor.... and that they get tired of answering
> the same questions...
> but I also know that when they 'see a face they consider an equal'...
> they turn on the smile, they are polite, and they have conversation
> to share.
> I have stopped at pullouts with people who have scopes -- and always
> are they polite, 
> and  in fact anxious, to show you what they have found, to share with
> you what they know..... I have never met a rude person with a
> scope...
> I can not say the same thing about geyser gazers..
> *sheri*
> in Eastern WA state>
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