[Geysers] Geyser report September 4 and 5

TSBryan at aol.com TSBryan at aol.com
Mon Sep 5 17:12:43 PDT 2005

Yesterday afternoon an expedition of 14 people explored Rabbit Creek. We  
found Rabbit Creek Geyser to be active on intervals of roughly 15-20 minutes,  
massive boiling with some bursts higher than the lip at the interior of the  
crater. The pool just north of there was active, but no big splashes were seen.  
The next pool north of that ("big enough to hide a Volkswagen") was having  
intermittent boils and could be considered as a bubble-shower geyser. We also  
went up to Rabbit Highlands, where we decided that the pools represented three  
different recipes of tomato soup, plus black bean, broccoli (really 
overcooked,  and old), asparagus, split pea, and uck. The bison skull indicated that 
none of  the soup was very good... Later we found that at least two of the 
springs along  the rift zone have apparently had eruptions, Tuba (name correct?) 
had a  superheated boil for us, and Lotus Baker's "Two Hole" appeared active but 
did  nothing for us.
Most other stuff from yesterday has already been reported, but to  summarize:
Grand's morning daylight interval was 10h 21m. I don't know its next, but  
then it was at 0033 this morning which led to today's 2 bursts at 1032, interval 
 of 9h 59m.... Plume continues to erupt, somewhat erratically but with 
most/many  intervals in the vicinity of 2 hours.... Daisy today had an interval of 
3h 00m.  Beehive is holding to intervals of plus or minus from 23 hours... 
Giant's hot  periods have mostly been pretty weak... And Fan and Mortar celebrated 
their  28-day interval by not erupting.
Fountain was short mode yesterday, long mode today. Silex washed away my  
marker sometime between Saturday morning at 1000 and today at 0730.
'nuff said.
Scott Bryan
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